Friday, December 26, 2008

Should I Act?

Right now I have a gut feeling, and I don't know if I should act on it. I always rush into these things, and don't give them the proper amount of time. Sometimes its something, sometimes its nothing. Sometimes it makes things worse, sometimes it makes things better! The biggest thing is, it requires me to take a chance, and I'm not sure if I want to do that, let alone if I'm ready to. And even if I did, I think now is way too soon.

Or is it never too soon? This is all very vague I know, but I don't want to lay out too many details because you never know whose reading this. I need to keep my sneaky face on, at least until I figure out of this is something or nothing.

Hopefully something, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Oh how I love the chase...makes me feel like I'm finally Lo again.

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