Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Future

It's been a long time since I've really thought about my future.

What am I supposed to do after I graduate? Find a job? Go back to school? Go into the Peace Corps? The one that seems most probable at this point is just going to school right after, just continuing on through, but is that what I really want to do?

Most of me just wants to be a junior in college forever. I don't want to ever let this feeling go. I feel like a lot of the things I enjoy doing now, I shouldn't do after I am no longer an undergraduate. I feel like after these first 4 years I need to be all grown up. I feel like I should be more mature than I really am, but I know that I don't want to.

I have a lot of interests that don't link to being a 21 year old. Both my room at home and my room at school are widely decorated with an array of posters ranging from Lindsay Lohan, Harry Potter, Transformers, The OC, and Zac Efron. I don't have adult rooms. I still watch the Disney channel and I dress like a 12-year-old a lot of the time. I eat like I'm 5 and I cook like I'm 16. My friends used to say I was like a 12-year-old boy. I just don't feel my age.

If we're being honest, this blog was basically about absolutely nothing. I ranted a bunch and said some random stuff, and if you took the time to read it, well then I'm deeply sorry.

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