Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two Posts in One Day (...Kind of)

I admire people who are able to capture their personality in their appearance. They cut their hair some way, they paint their nails some color, they wear some unique outfit, whatever, but people say, hey check out that style man.

My style consists of jeans, a t-shirt that either A) is from high school, B) says Indiana on it, or C) is a reject from Goodwill, some cool sneakers/tennis shoes that I try my best to clash with my selected t-shirt, and most likely some random sweatshirt or fleece to top it off (which also clashes). Some days I can confidently say I purposely select colors which sort of match, but also clash, but most days I honestly just put on individual pieces that feel good, and don't consider how they'll be together.

My hair, though it is red, and I suppose that is a defining physical characteristic expressing my personality...something like that...couldn't be less defining. Out of shear laziness I typically throw some mousse in it after my shower, mostly to keep it from looking too frizzy, slightly to make it curl, but it ends up turning into this sort of frizzy-curled-fusion. This untamed mass of being hanging at my shoulders.

To really top it off I usually don't shower on a regular basis--this also out of laziness, and the fact that I don't much care about the impression my physical being has on other people...but let's be honest, people who say they don't care what other people think about then, want to give off that sort of impression, the impression that says: I care so much about what you think about me that I have to pretend I'm above it. So I'm not sure what's true really, because the truth is I do care, but the truth also is that I really am pretty lazy when it comes to that sort of thing.

I'd rather impress someone with my wit, with the way I hold my pen, with how fast I can write when I'm on a streak, with qualities I pretend to have, ones I try to practice in front of the mirror, attitudes I don't really have, with personality attributes that don't actually belong to me. I try to capture my personality in my every word, and to be honest usually I fail.

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