Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It happened

I had hoped it would happen. I'm not sure how long I thought it would take, but I know that I was pretty sure it was never really going to fully happen anyway, maybe just in bits and pieces. Maybe little by little everything, every feeling, every memory, would start to fade away enough that I would soon succumb to not caring. I hoped for years that the pain would go away. It kept coming in and out and teasing me and bullying me. And then, on the most unlikely of all days, on a day similar to a day 4 months prior where a simple phone call left me in tears, I saw what I had been afraid to see for over 7 years, and I didn't care at all. There were no tears, no compulsive mouse clicks, no "Oh my god!"'s. There was none of that. Sure there was curiosity, a little bit of intrigue, but no more reaction than any other finding of its nature would warrant.

What I am trying to say is that I'm on a plane and I'm over it (someone said that to me once after I broke up with them in the 9th grade and I thought it was completely ridiculous, so I'm not even sure why I'm using it now)I'm not hurt, I'm not sad, I'm not confused. I had been almost over it for so long and I just needed an extra little push to get me over the edge and I finally got it.

I can honestly say that I have fully and truthfully, moved on from that portion of my life. It was great, I don't take it back, I don't hate it, in fact quite the opposite. I will always keep it special and safe in my heart and I will continue to care about it, but gone are the days where I will sit up at night stressing over it. I have moved on, and man it feels great.

Seth Cohen wouldn't give up, but he would know when to move on.

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