Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Chaser

I'm starting to realize how truly different the things I want and the things I need are, and that they sometimes overlap, but often times do not. And to take things even a step further, maybe make this whole epiphany even more ironic, is that I desperately need things to want. I need goals and dreams and things to prey on. I need them like I need air, or water, or food, or shelter. It is among my list of necessities to need things I desire. Because when I am in true pursuit of something, when I am truly chasing and hunting the things I want, that's when I am truly me. It's when I'm in my element.

I am, and will always be, a chaser, a hunter, I will forever be chasing after some goal or anticipating some occurrence. I will always be counting down to something.


  1. Can you please chase after me!!

    Where as you are the chaser, I am the prey who loves to be hunted!!

    (COME AND GET IT....)


    LOVE YOU!!

  2. I think many people are like this. Aspiration is simply the vessel that takes us to our future. But you're spot on, how could anyone be themselves without a hope or a dream? People who aren't interested in their future (or something to chase after) are typically boring (to me anyway). They seem to just float along their lives, letting a current be their guide. In the short term those people always seem happier, stronger, and more content. But, at the end of their lives can they look back with confidence that they achieved what they wanted? Oh well, I'm pretty sure the group I'm describing is in the minority.
