Thursday, May 14, 2009

I figured it Out

I think people try to make love out to be this thing that just turns you into mush and makes you fall completely senseless into this bottomless pit where youre overcome with worthlessness. It's not though.

Well, I figured it out, Love is this thing that gives you wings and you fly away to places you didn't know you could go and you feel things you didn't know you could feel, and you are brave. You're brave enough to feel the way you want to feel and you're so comfortable you could say anything. You feel out of control and safe all at the same time. And you know that all you have to do is see that person for a little bit every single day, 20 minutes, 5 minutes even and it will make you happier than anything else in the entire world can. And you just can't stay away from them and it just keeps pulling you closer and closer. It will lift you higher than any drug and it will carry you further than any engine. You don't need money and you don't need a plan, you just need them. They are your drug and they are your engine and they carry you and lift you without having any clue.

and you don't complain about anything when you're with them because nothing could ever be bad with them standing next to you enduring it too, soaking it up together.

That's what love is, I'm positive

1 comment:

  1. "You don't need money and you don't need a plan, you just need them."

    Statistically speaking, 45% (I think) of all divorces are a result of the couple stressed about not having money.

    But, I see what you are going for and I wouldn't really disagree with any of the ideals.
